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Nicholas Atkinson Profile

Hi there!
I am a 21 year old from Hastings, New Zealand. This page contains a bit of information about me.

About Me

I am currently working part time in retail, and studying web development with CodeCademy. I've been studying for about 7 months, and I am really enjoying it. It is really satisfying to find solutions for problems, and think through roadblocks logily. Super stoked to be working in the field in not too long hopefully.
A few of my hobbies include: mountain biking, skiing, hiking, computer games, and of course, coding! I have always had a bit of an interest in coding, but never did anything with that until a little while ago. I was thinking about what I was wanting to do as my career, so I decided to do one of CodeCademy's free courses, and loved it! I haven't really looked back since then.


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